
Publications: Litigation and Procedure

News January 2023: the “Carbon Neutrality” claim is not neutral. Beware of the new penalties/fines for Greenwashing since January 1, 2023!
In two decrees dated 13 April 2022 that came into force on 1 January 2023, the government, seeking to complete the provisions of the 22 August 2021 Climate and Resilience Act, once again tackles Greenwashing from the angle of carbon neutrality claims.       Reminder: Since the Climate and Resilience Act, Articles L. 229-68 and L. 229-69 of the Environment Code respectively provide for the prohibition and punbishment of marketing allegations claiming that a product or service is "carbon neutral", unless they comply with some conditions and minimum...
Publié le 31/01/2023
News January 2018 – The importance of a formal notice before going to Court
    « Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point » (« there is no point in running if you do not start on time »). This maxim of Jean de La Fontaine also applies in litigation matters. A particularly strict decision of the Commercial Court of Paris[1] usefully reminds the risks of not sending a proper formal notice before bringing a legal action.       There is no doubt now that the failure to properly implement a conciliation or mediation contractual clause leads to the non-admissibility of a legal...
Publié le 29/01/2018
News October 2015: Volkswagen - deceptive commercial practices
« The Volkswagen scandal »:  Reminder of the possible judicial actions in France against any industrial suspected of deceptive practice                                                                                                                             ...
Publié le 13/10/2015   |   Mis à jour le 11/12/2015